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Work flow

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Step 1 For Digital Only Documents.

Choose your item type and add the information. I primarily use Document and Book Section. The Document type is for certificates and index entries. The Book Section is used for Registers.

Image 2 shows a certificate using the Document Type filled in

Image 3 Shows a Register using the Book Section filled in

Image 4 Shows an index using the Document Type filled in

Image 5 Shows the center section Sorted by Creator


Notes: On how I filled in the item types

Titles are Surname, Given name and certificate No.

Authors are the State if it is an actual record. If it is the index, I use the state abbreviation followed by the word Index. The reason for this is that you can sort these by “Creator” in the center section of Zotero.

When I was adding these, I would copy my citations from FTM and paste them into the extra field on the Info tab. I intend at some point to go back and add URL’s to the images on FamilySearch in the URL field. If I were adding a new entry, I would add the URL at that time.

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Step 2

Link entry to the image on my hard drive.

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Step 3
Add a partial transcription to the note section of the image 7

Notes: I created a template for these in a stand-alone note. Image 8 I copy and paste this template into the note section and fill it out.

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Step 4

I will add notes for conflicting information.

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Step 5

Is to add all tags and relate any notes and images to the original entry.

For Paper Certificates with their Digital files.

The steps are the same as above with additional information added.

I keep paper copies of all my direct line certificates, certificates I have purchased, and certificates that are not available on microfilm. These are filed in the family archive.

The location of these files in the family archive is added to the entry. They are stored in two places depending on which ones they are. If they are originals, they go in a document box. If they are copies, they go in a hanging binder.

Image 10 shows the location in the archive for an original death certificate.

Image 11 shows the location in the archive for a copy.

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Thank you SO MUCH, Ann!!!

I've cut and pasted this info into a document so that I can go over it more easily and make notes as I go. It's going to take a while for me to digest this, but it really looks like it will clear up a number of issues for me.

You are welcome! I just edited a couple of them as I forgot to add an image. 


I'll go back over them and download the additional images. Thank you!


I had all but post 46. When I went back over things, I had the same number of images as there currently are in the post. Did you substitute any new images for the existing ones. I could have missed that.

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