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Work flow

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I think I substituted one and added one. The one I added may have been done before you got to it.


Just a couple of notes:

Image 3, mentioned on post #35, appears to be missing.

Image 5, present in post #41, is not mentioned in the text.


Having read most of it in detail, I'm looking forward to seeing how I can do something similar.

Thank you!

History Hunter;

I will take a look and see if I can figure out what is missing. 


History Hunter, I went back and added the missing image from post #35 and added a bit of text for explaining what image 5 is in post #41.

Thank you, Ann. I will update my composite document based on your changes.

I received my book PDF. It appears the site was experiencing some issues. Now that I have it, I should be set to try things out.

By the way; safari 14 was just released, so maybe I’ll even be able to use the Safari connector now that it can be made to work with Safari.


I see what confused me in post #35. I think you meant image 4 but said image 3 in the text. I'll figure it out. Thank you so much!



I've completed the task of working through the Zotero book and now want to go over your workflow that uses Scrivener.

I have one question, though. How do you address the need for lists and tables in your genealogical reports? Those elements don't typically compile as they should in Scrivener.

History Hunter,

I know what you mean about the compiling part with Scrivener.  I have not figured out a way to add tables and charts and have them compile correctly. Typically I put a space in the text with something like:


I make a lot of my charts & tables in Excel. I will use one Excel workbook per project. 

Basically, I have a folder in my main Genealogy folder called "Case Studies." Inside that folder are other folders with the title of the project or question. Within those folders, I have my Scrivener and any Excel workbooks that pertain to the project or question. I haven't tried it but I am guessing I could add the Excel workbook into Zotero with a link. 


I should add that using the above method works well especially if I am submitting an article for publication. Most of the journals and magazines want the charts, tables, and images in separate documents/files. This allows them to place them where they fit in the article. 



I found this on using Scrivener and Mark-down notation to do tables and the like.

Have a look at this:

l’m hoping it may be a solution.

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