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Parish Records Norway

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Linda- I love this idea. 

Quote from Linda Balderson on March 6, 2019, 9:34 pm

Since I also have many, many Norwegian ancestors, this workflow allows me to get them all in quickly, and I can easily revise the ones I need when and if I need to publish something requiring an EE style citation.

Hi Linda,

Thanks for that example. After spending about a week learning Zotero basics, I jumped right in using the parish records as a starting point for establishing a work flow. Mine is similar to you yours - snag the record and add tidbits to the citation fields, then using the notes for transcription, abstracts and my analysis in general. I discovered how to print all notes for one subject into one document - so if/when I ever need/want to review everything at a glance I can do so. I've also included a stand-alone note in the subject's file (Hans Thomsen>birth for example) where I begin my narrative - since that always helps me flesh out holes and weak spots. 

Knowing I have snagged what I need for the citation - and that all of the related information is "attached" has been the biggest boon to my efforts. I can focus on the record and what it tells me rather than making sure I don't lose the connection between source/information. 

Nil and negative results get snagged and annotated as well as a nod to ye olde research log.

Can't wait to meet Donna this weekend at the AGS seminar and shake her hand for this!


P.S. Linda - if you are open to me asking you some Norwegian research-related questions off forum, please let me know. I'm on FB  or email djweathers


Great progress on all fronts! Donna, I'll see you this weekend! And you're welcome!

What is AGS? Do I have to fly to the East coast to get there? 🙂

All the way to Alabama, Ann. The Alabama Genealogical Society Spring Seminar. Judy Russell is speaking, so it will be a great day!

Thanks, Donna. I'll have to wait until you come west. I am getting a "vacation" from caregiving to go to the Southern California Jamboree at the end of May. I can't wait.

Back to the Norwegian Digital Archives: Ann, I am using a similar workflow for all of my Norwegian records. For example, here is what Zotero brings in for a census record for the head of a family:

001 Anders Johannesen - 0009 Kulild Kuvigen - 001 3die - Census districts summary - 1865 census for Fusa - The Digital Archive

I move the year to the date field and restructure the webpage title as follows:

Census for Fusa - The Digital Archive, #0009 Kulild Kuvigen, Anders Johannesen household

The resulting CMOS note: 

“Census for Fusa - The Digital Archive, #0009 Kulild Kuvigen, Anders Johannesen Household,” 1865,

Add transcription in a note; same workflow for Emigration, etc. Copy to FTM and save to all family members. Quick and done.

When I start writing up a piece of research I am finding myself rewriting most of my citations. Linda, your quick and done method seems like it will fit in nicely. I will have everything I need to do an EE citation but I don't have to spend a lot of time figuring it out during the researching part.

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