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Parish Records Norway

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This took longer than it should have, I'm sure. But my first Zotero efforts will be analyzing evidence gleaned from about 75 years of these parish records - so I thought it a fitting place to begin. Appreciate any feedback or tips - or corrections!

Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],


Type Book Section
Author Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway
Series SAB/A-77101/H/Hab, State Archives in Bergen
Edition p. 102, item 65, Hans August
Extra National Archives of Norway, "Norway Church Records," ( : accessed 18 February 2019), image 105. EE.312 with digital repository layer
Accessed 2/18/2019, 7:52:17 PM
Series Number digital image, [see extra]
Date Added 2/18/2019, 7:52:17 PM
Modified 2/19/2019, 9:47:56 AM

Zotero citation:

Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway, “Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],” p. 102, item 65, Hans August, SSAB/A-77101/H/Hab, State Archives in Bergen, digital image, [see extra], accessed February 19, 2019,

Final version:

Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway, “Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],” p. 102, item 65, Hans August; SAB/A-77101/H/Hab, State Archives in Bergen; digital image, ( : accessed 18 February 2019). 


The URL in the Extra field is the permalink to the online image as provided by digitalarkivet vs the URL Zotero snags when capturing the citation data from the website. 

Using the Series field for the repository, and Edition for the item details, places the first layer in order. 


I haven't tried this yet but if you put in the semicolon in Zotero does it override Zotero's commas between fields?  

I think EE would say you don't need to include "Bergen, Nyirken" after Klokkeran because it is already present at the beginning and would have you put the name of the website Digitalarkivet with the italics between digital image, and the url. 

Thanks Ann,

Curiously - when I previewed the citation without a semicolon, here were the two results shown for CMOS (full) Bold is mine for emphasis:

Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway, “Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],” p. 102, item 65, Hans August, SAB / A-77101 / H / Hab, State Archives in Bergen, digital image, [see extra], accessed February 19, 2019,

Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway. “Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],” P. 102, item 65, Hans August. SAB / A-77101 / H / Hab, State Archives in Bergen, digital image, [see extra]. Accessed February 19, 2019.
Notice the second has periods separating the items in the citation rather than commas.
When I add a semicolon after Hans August, the first version simply adds it and also includes the default comma. However the second version shown appropriately replaces the punctuation - but I still have to adjust the other periods back to commas:

Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway, “Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],” p. 102, item 65, Hans August;, SAB / A-77101 / H / Hab, State Archives in Bergen, digital image, [see extra], accessed February 19, 2019,

Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway. “Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],” P. 102, item 65, Hans August; SAB / A-77101 / H / Hab, State Archives in Bergen, digital image, [see extra]. Accessed February 19, 2019.
Neither is perfect but the without semicolon seems to result in fewer things to correct if I use the "comma" result. Why are there two results anyway?

Yes - I puzzled over the Bergen, Norway as well. The first is the church (author) which is the Church in Nykirken Parish in Bergen, Norway. The second occurrence is in the title of the record itself, so would need to remain in tact. I'll study EE and Jones' Mastering Gen Proof a bit more. It may be that since the what names the who I could just start with the name of the record. However, that may not be the case with other parish records (and this is why I never actually get anything done, lol!) In any event, it will be an easy thing to edit in that field.

I appreciate your observations - as they pointed out the very things I struggled with in this citation. Since they are more about citation format than Zotero abilities, I'll just ponder them outside of this forum. 

Donna have you looked at this thread on the EE Forums? It is rather long but there is some great discussion.

The differences in the citations are puzzling. I don't really understand why CMOS uses periods versus commas or semicolons. 

One of the things I am struggling with is using a p. for a page number versus the colon when you have a volume preceding it. All my life I used a p. but now most citations have a colon. The only reason I can come up with is the colon takes up one less space than the p.

My maternal grandparents were from Norway, so I appreciate the work you have done on the Norwegian citation. I would add the specific date following the person's name in the "Edition" field. For parish registers, following "National Archives of Norway" I would instead add [comma] Digitised Parish Registers. This is what my first reference note would look like for my grandfather's confirmation:




/* Style Definitions */
{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";

Parish, (Bodin, Bod\\uc0\\u248{} (Salten), Norway),
\\uc0\\u8220{}Ministerialbok (1894-1915), Konfirmerte 1901,\\uc0\\u8221{} p.
232, item 14, Henrik Kristian Mo Siverinsen Aasen, 17 Juni 1901, SAT/A-1459/802/L0055,
Statsarkivet i Trondheim, digital images, [see extra], accessed February 19,
Parish, (Bodin, Bodø (Salten), Norway), “Ministerialbok (1894-1915),
Konfirmerte 1901,” p. 232, item 14, Henrik Kristian Mo Siverinsen Aasen, 17
Juni 1901, SAT/A-1459/802/L0055, Statsarkivet i Trondheim, digital images, [see
extra], accessed February 19, 2019,","noteIndex":1},"citationItems":[{"id":830,"uris":[""%5D,"uri":[""%5D,"itemData":{"id":830,"type":"chapter","title":"Ministerialbok
(1894-1915), Konfirmerte
Statsarkivet i Trondheim","collection-number":"digital
images, [see extra]","edition":"p.232, item 14, Henrik
Kristian Mo Siverinsen Aasen, 17 Juni
before digital images] National Archives of Norway, \"Digitised Parish
Registers\" ( : accessed 19
February 2019)","author":[{"family":"Bodin
Parish, (Bodin, Bodø (Salten), Norway)","given":""}],"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2019",2,19]]}}}],"schema":""}
Bodin Parish, (Bodin, Bodø (Salten), Norway), “Ministerialbok (1894-1915), Konfirmerte [Confirmation] 1901,” p. 232, item 14, Henrik Kristian Mo Siverinsen Aasen, 17 Juni 1901, SAT/A-1459/802/L0055, Statsarkivet i Trondheim, digital images;  National Archives of Norway, Digitised Parish Registers ( : accessed 19 February 2019) 



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Donna, This second citation you added is the bibliography entry, thus, the periods instead of commas:

Nykirken Parish, Bergen, Norway. “Kirkebok for Klokkeran, Bergen, Nykirken, 1842-1858, Døpte [Baptized],” P. 102, item 65, Hans August. SAB / A-77101 / H / Hab, State Archives in Bergen, digital image, [see extra]. Accessed February 19, 2019.

By adding in the specifics to get the citation, you would then need to remove the specifics for the bibliography entry. For that reason alone, I will probably just craft my citations in EE format, put them in a note with the file and maybe look at using Zotero for the bibliography.


I had one more thought about parish records. I adapted the Web Page that was pulled into Zotero to only include what is needed for the source. The shortened URL takes you to the digital archives, and I moved the longer URL to the Extra field. I put "digital images" in the Date field, so that n.d. did not appear in the source. The citation information is all in the Extra field and can easily be copied to the end of the footnote. What do you think??

Then you would be able to use the source for other sections of the same book, other persons born during the years included by just changing the Extra field.

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Well you guys are impressing me to death! Norwegian records. I'm in over my head. But if you are looking for which fields in Zotero will be included in citations but omitted from the bibliography, check the procedure on p. 105 in the book--the exercise titled TESTING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA—STYLE PREVIEW. I know a lot of you are already using it. The sample data I had you bring over to your Zotero group library has text in every single field on every single item type. So in the style preview, you can see what's in and what's out.

For the book section item type, here are the two formats:

Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note)

authorfirstname authorlastname, “book section title,” in book title, by bookauthorfirst bookauthorlast, edition, vol. volume-current, number-of-volumes vols., series name, series-number (place: publisher, 2011), pages, https://sampleurl/.

authorlastname, authorfirstname. “book section title.” In book title, by bookauthorfirst bookauthorlast, pages, Edition. series name, series-number. place: publisher, 2011. https://sampleurl/.
In this item type, it's only the two volume fields that are omitted. If you want things NOT to show up in the bibliography, it's better to put the citation details into the notes, as Ann mentioned, and add them as detail when you're creating the actual citation attached to a fact, I think--when you're in your family tree or a word processing document.

Now I am wondering if I could set up the citation fields in Zotero for the bibliographic citation and use the extra field for the full citation as Linda suggests. Then all I would need to do is make a duplicate of the citation and change the extra field for the specific record I am using in a specific set of records. 

Not sure if I am explaining this correctly but like Donna W, I have a lot of entries from the parish registers for one church in Austria. I think the bibliography would be one entry for all of the different entries. 

Lots to think about. Thanks, Donna W. & Linda for sparking my brain.

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