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Photograph & Heirloom catalogue

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Like you, I am trying to be as paperless as possible. I only keep physical copies of original items or those items which would be impossible/expensive to replace. I've been doing this for a number of years now. Unfortunately; I was putting too. much descriptive info in the electronic filenames and this has become too unwieldy. So I need to change it. RootsMagic, which I use as my database, has a field for a reference number. I'll use that to link my archival record accession number to my database entry. I'll also create a tag in Zotero that contains the same accession number (e.g. Accession_No: Ancestry-BAPM-2020.1), so I can locate that record easily in Zotero.

By the way; I just had someone on the Zotero forum confirm that there still appears to be a latent bug in the "Report for Item" function of Zotero. The Accessed: field for a website only sees the date portion of what is entered. The report generator takes your timezone and back-calculates the UTC date and adds a time of day. So; for me, "2020-04-03" comes out as "202-04-02, 6:00 p.m." in the report. This is important to me since I store that report as a "sidecar" file with the corresponding image. It contains nearly everything I need to know about the image (disaster planning item) and it's searchable from Spotlight on a Mac.

History Hunter,

Are you saying that RootsMagic has the ability to have reference numbers for each event? 



Yes. Each time you enter an event [called "facts" in RM7], you can add one or more citations. For every citation, you can add a "Detail reference Number" and also any number of "Web Tags" that can point to a URL. Not only that, but you can also add reference numbers to any images that you add to an event.

In FTM I have a notes option for each fact and I can add a URL to a citation. The Detail reference Number would be awesome. 

You might want to look at their trial version to see how exactly it works.

Anne and Donna;

Here is a nice basic document that might be of interest; 

Jeff O'Brien, "An Introduction to the preparation of fonds- and series-level descriptions using the Rules for Archival Description" (unpublished manuscript, 1997, Saskatchewan Council of Archives, Regina); imaged at the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists (SCAA) ( 22 October 2020).

Thanks, Gary.

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