Research Plan #1: Elegant and Airy (Download) — GENOHISTORY.COM

Research Plan #1: Elegant and Airy (Download)


Truly reliable historical and genealogical research requires a committed focus on getting the right answer to a critical question–not the expedient one. And should our conclusion ever be challenged, we need to demonstrate how we came to it. A research plan creates that focus, defining the question, creating a plan to answer it, and documenting the path to the conclusion. Designed in Microsoft Word, a blank Research Plan can be saved as a document template in Microsoft Word or simply copied as a new document for each research question you pursue. Combining elegant form and thorough function, this research plan looks as good as it works. (See description below for sample pages.)

(If you have not yet signed up for the Golden Channel Publishing newsletter, sign up here and you’ll receive a coupon code to get this template free.)


Learn more about research plans

Read my blog post entitled “Your Guide and Defense: Genohistory with Research Plans” to learn more about what a research plan can do for your research work.

Research Plan Sample

(Form and research text copyright Golden Channel Publishing, 2022)

2 reviews for Research Plan #1: Elegant and Airy (Download)

  1. genealogyhappyhour

    Donna, I just love your templates and can see how they will really help me in trying to solve a brick wall that has been bothering me. I will share your post with our listeners at Genealogy Happy Hour.

    • Donna Cox Baker

      Thanks so much. I would appreciate that!

  2. BookerTalk

    This is something I have failed to do over the years and consequently have wasted so much time retracing my steps. I like your methodology

    • Donna Cox Baker

      Thanks! Genealogy has so much step retracing, as you say. Leaving that breadcrumb trail makes all the difference.

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Research Plan #1: Elegant and Airy (Download)
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