Zotero - in an existing EndNote document... — Zotero - in an existing EndNote document... — Genohistory.com Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Zotero - in an existing EndNote document...

I've become somewhat concerned about how Zotero co-exists with documents containing citations formatted by EndNote.  I have a series of really large (>120 page) research documents each containing many citations (CMOS) - the largest majority of which were placed by EndNote.  
I have found (so far) that Zotero has no problem with this when it is inserting a completely new citation - a new footnote is inserted with the correct sequence number and the citation goes in just fine.  There do seem to be issues when I wish to add a citation into an existing citation footnote - Zotero replaces what's there with what I've chosen in Zotero.  It doesn't seem to have the ability to read the EndNote citation(s) that are already there.  Additionally, it is hard (impossible?) to identify which citations in a document were placed there by EndNote vs. Zotero.  I'm sure that both programs embed  fields to control what happens.  That's why I'm concerned about the interplay between them during my transition from one to the other.
So I have to be careful to make sure I redo the entire citation when I'm doing something like this.  Since I've imported my entire EndNote library into Zotero, this shouldn't be a problem - so long as I remember. 
I wonder if it is wise to try to go through my entire documents and make sure that there are only Zotero citations - which would mean replacing all the citations presently in there.  One document has 255+ of these, so it would be a big (monumental) effort.  But given the complexity of the interplay between the two programs, there might be an error that could creep in relatively invisibly and cause an issue I don't know about.  I want the documents to have accurate citations. 
What do others think about this?

Zotero takes control of the whole paragraph of a citation you create, with the exception of allowing you to type text at the end--beyond the automated Zotero information. You can find a discussion of this in chapter 9 of the Zotero for Genealogy text--in the section about editing a citation.

I haven't dealt with EndNote-created citations before. If it works like normal citations created from within Word, you can have both types within the document, but not within the same footnote. I would recommend that, whenever you want to add Zotero citation information to a place where you already have an EndNote citation, you create a new footnote blending the original material with the new, but drawing it all from Zotero. You will then have your old footnote just adjacent to the new one. Make sure you got the old stuff pulled correctly before you delete the EndNote version. Does that make sense?

BUT, just thought about this. It's not going to be able to create a comprehensive bibliography, if you have a blend of Zotero footnotes with the old ones. It will only get the Zotero material. But if it is your research notes and not the publication-ready document, you can make the final document from Zotero only.

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