Word Processor Extension Issues — Word Processor Extension Issues — Genohistory.com Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Word Processor Extension Issues

I'm following along in your guide book and when I got to the word processor plugin, I did not have either LibreOffice or Word (I use OpenOffice). However, I did download and install LibreOffice to use with this program.  I click on Install LibreOffice Add-in in the Word Processor Tab of the Zotero Preferences, then I select Next in the wizard. It has two directories listed - OpenOffice and LibreOffice. 
At first I only clicked next. Failed. I then tried with just LibreOffice Selected. Failed. 
The error I got was: 
Installation could not be completed because an error occurred. Please ensure that LiberOffice is closed, and then restart Zotero. Which I did, same issues continue. I then followed the "If error persists, please review...." troubleshooter.  I've made sure Java is updated and installed (Windows 10 and am using Chrome Browser). 
I've also tried installing manually from the LibreOffice Extension Manager. Where it then tells me it can not create the Java Implementation Folder.  I feel like I must be missing something or not doing something correctly. I've restarted my system, but can not get the plugin to work. 

I am so sorry you are having trouble! I think we're going to need to take this to the Zotero.org forum, where they know more about the add-ons. I'll post it there and get back to you with any questions or advice they have.  Back to you soon....


Meanwhile, if any of the others of you have attempted the LibreOffice connection, let us know how it turned out for you.

Thanks Donna!  Small update, is that this plugin is actually installed - even though it says it is not and continued to give me an error. However, it won't let me click on any of the icons, such as add/edit citation. I'm going to try restarting again and see if that makes any difference.  

So sorry to all that I failed to post the response from the Zotero forum. Here it is:-----


See https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_troubleshooting#could_not_create_java_implementation_loader

Generally "Could not create java implementation loader" means that LibreOffice cannot initialise Java, because it's either not installed, not detected by LibreOffice or wrongly configured.

Michele, do you think it could be a bad installation of Java? I have never done that. Here's a link that might help:

Thanks so much for trying to help. 
I'm not sure what the answer might be.  Here is all that I have tried and the results.

I did follow the steps in the answers and then some I had found online as well. None of that made a difference at all. 

I did uninstall things and then change the order of how I installed them. For a moment a beam of sunshine was on my keypad and I thought I had fixed it. No. 

The ray of light was when I had nothing installed except Zotero. I had uninstalled the extensions and LibreOffice and Java.  I made sure none of the old Java was around. Then I thought, well what about just trying to do everything Zotero wants me to do before I install the other things. That went find however it had no LibraOffice installation file so i obviously could not check mark that box. It did locate my OpenOffice and found that, but of course, it doesn't really work with OpenOffice. 
I then installed LibreOffice and it "appeared" fine. The Zotero tool bar was in the program. I typed a sentence then tried the add/edit and nothing. None of it worked. That's okay, I thought, because I had not installed Java yet so no big deal. I installed Java, and it went fine. Tool bar still did not work, preferences in LibreOffice has the tick mark for JRE but nothing in the box below. Tried to locate JRE and it can't find it and neither could I. 

Went back then to Zotero and it wanted me to again install the extension. like it disappeared and when I did that, same error about the Java. So back to the beginning again. 
I've uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared cache, rebooted, etc. tried all methods of installation and trouble shooting then just gave up around 1:30 for the day. I have a busy weekend, but will see if the system wants to cooperate with me on Monday. 🙂 

Awful! We can take that scenario back to the big forum and see if there are other ideas. Maybe I'll install LibreOffice, too, and see if I get the same result. What's your setup? Operating system, version, hardware?

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