"Store Citation as", p.85 of "Zotero for Genealogy — "Store Citation as", p.85 of "Zotero for Genealogy — Genohistory.com Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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"Store Citation as", p.85 of "Zotero for Genealogy

In the current "Zotero - Document Preferences", there is no radio-button labelled "Field."

There are only "ReferenceMarks (recommended) and "Bookmarks".

Given the above and having read the text on p.85 of "Zotero for Genealogy, I'm not quite sure which I should choose if I work with NeoOffice Professional (like LibreOffice) and with Scrivener.

I am not familiar with NeoOffice, but I would go with the Reference Marks, since they're flagged as recommended. It has been a long time since I used Scrivener. If you are able to import documents into it from NeoOffice, then you will want to test it first. Try the recommended flag first and see if it works. If not, go with the other. Let us know what you find!

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