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Slave Deed

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Working with a number of slave deeds circa 1820.  Used Document Item Type and made input according to EE 3rd Edition, page 454.

Here's what I've come up with.  It is close to what EE says, especially for the first reference note citation.  The Subsequent Note citation contains more information than EE suggests, but that's really not a problem, I think.  This works out pretty well.

The Source List Entry provides too much information and really isn't like EE which shows just entering the location, name of record set, and office where they are located.  My present citation shows the actual deed itself plus the other data.  Still not bad.  

I'd welcome comments and inputs.  Thanks.

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Interesting! I had not realized anything would trigger it to pick up the abstract in the citation. My sample doesn't pick it up. Perhaps leaving a particular field empty causes it to pick up the abstract?

Hi Donna,

I see where you might think that's what's happening, but it isn't picking up the abstract.  It is using the Title I've typed in - the very top of the report screenshot shows that.  I just put all the pertinent info into the abstract as a method of keeping track of it.  


I tried it out using Book Section and this is what I got:


New Hanover County, NC, Deed Bool S: 78, Herrington to Kerr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1823, Register of Deeds, Wilmington, WEBSITE TITLE ( : accessed 17 February 2019).


New Hanover County, NC, Deed Bool S: 78., Register of Deeds, Wilmington, WEBSITE TITLE ( : accessed 17 February 2019). Herrington to Herr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1823.
The second note is not very good.  I couldn't figure out the websites name as the link would not work for me so I added WEBSITE TITLE instead. 

The output of the first full note matches EE p. 454's first note under 9.28. If you overlook my typo of Book. 🙂 The downside is there is not a Title showing in the center section of the Zotero screen. 

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That triggered my memory of some bills of sale I logged last year. One of the EE quick-check models (p. 97 in most current edition) has the bill of sale looking a lot like a letter. Attached is what a bill of sale looks like in the Zotero Letter item type format. I see a glitch and will report it to Zotero. It repeats the "letter type" field twice. 

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Ann - I shortened the URL and forgot to put the ending "/" on it.  I had originally thought I might have omitted the "www" but that wasn't it.  Once I put the "/" on the end, it works just fine.  Thanks for calling my attention to it.


Thank you, Fred. I got it to work! Here is the updated version:


New Hanover County, NC, Deed Book S: 78, Herrington to Kerr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1823, Register of Deeds, Wilmington; digital images, New Hanover County Register of Deeds ( : accessed 17 February 2019).


New Hanover County, NC, Deed Book S: 78., Register of Deeds, Wilmington; digital images, New Hanover County Register of Deeds ( : accessed 17 February 2019). Herrington to Kerr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1823.

If you used Book Section once the citation was done the website title would need to be italicized.  A solution to not having a title on the Zotero main screen might be to put something between square brackets to remind you to take it out once the citation was generated. 

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It seems there are a number of Item types that can be used for the same kind of record. All of them seem to require a certain amount of editing. I think the best choice for someone is going to depend on what makes sense to the user and how they think or how much editing they want to do. It's nice to have several options to choose from.

Hi Ann,

Picking one vs the other is an interesting dilemma.  I think you're right it really depends on the amount of editing to be done (multiplied by the number of similar citations) on the back end.  Appreciate your thoughts.  


One other thing - and it affects how we compare how various citation types in Zotero produce "close to" EE formatted citations.  This is something that's important to consider when comparing results from different "item types".

What comes out at the other end (the citation and source reference list) depends on two things: (1) the item type you use in Zotero, and (2) how you fill out the fields in that item type. 

For example in the slave deed we've been talking about, I left the fields the way I'd filled them out using a document item type, and simply changed to "book section" and "letter" to try them out.  Here's the first citation - it all looks remarkably the same. 

What I did was different from what Ann did, because I didn't complete the other fields in "Book Section" or "Letter".  I didn't use the "series", "author", or "location in archive" field at all, since it wasn't possible (IMHO) to get it in EE format otherwise.  I simply made the Title of the item New Hanover County, NC Deed Book S: 78, Herring to Kerr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1822.

It seems all of these are pretty close to what EE wants.

EE 9.28 Mortgages & Sales of Servants (p. 454)

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Deed Book S: 78, Herring to Kerr, mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1822; New Hanover County [NC] Register of Deeds, Wilmington, NC.

Zotero Book Section:

“New Hanover County, NC Deed Book S: 78, Herring to Kerr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1822.” Accessed February 17, 2019.

Zotero Document:

“New Hanover County, NC Deed Book S: 78, Herring to Kerr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1822.” New Hanover County [NC] Register of Deeds, Wilmington, NC. Accessed February 17, 2019.

Zotero Letter:

“New Hanover County, NC Deed Book S: 78, Herring to Kerr, Mortgage of Bur and Jacob, 1822.” New Hanover County [NC] Register of Deeds, Wilmington, NC. Accessed February 17, 2019.

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