Proper technique to drag & drop files so that they link (rather than copy) to Zotero — Proper technique to drag & drop files so that they link (rather than copy) to Zotero — Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Proper technique to drag & drop files so that they link (rather than copy) to Zotero

I learned proper technique about how to drag & drop files so that they link (rather than copy) to Zotero.

Drag the file until it is over the destination - for example, a document. Wait for the destination to highlight. Then press Cmd-Option (Mac; the Windows key combination is Control-Shift) and release the mouse button. The linked file drops right into place.

Here's the Zotero help page that pertains to attaching files:

eallynm has reacted to this post.

Thanks! Great information. The ability to drag and drop multiple files can save a huge amount of time.


BRILLIANT! Thank you. Just checked this out and worked like a charm!!


This discussion got me curious about something that has always bothered me. Unlike Andy, I never thought to actually research to see if there is a workaround. I was always annoyed that when you drag and drop a topic between folders it duplicated them automatically. You then had to go back to the first folder and remove the first copy from the collection. But there is a way to physically move it in one swipe. You swipe it over the new folder, but before you lift your finger from the cursor, you press the Shift key, then let go of the cursor. The item is now in the new folder and not in the old. A great timesaver. Thanks, Andy.

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