Mac user cant get everything working following examples in book — Mac user cant get everything working following examples in book — Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Mac user cant get everything working following examples in book

Ok so admiralty i got macs to get away from tinkering around with a computer, however the promise of zotero made the possible difficulty of installing something i can deal with.

But it seems the at ever step of the way i am trying to figure out the difference between mac and pc, and i have a pc sitting here i just prefer the mac.

where i am now is that after installing zotero, zotfile, and aria onto my (older cheesegrater mac os10.14.6 2x3.46ghx 6 core intel xenon, 96 gb 13333 mhz ddr3 radeon rx580).

initially i was having trouble with the word add in, however once i copied the file to the startup directory, the little zotero toolbar appeared but when clicked on the toobal displays missing permission

"Zotero does not have permission to control Word. To grant this permission:

1) Open System Settings
2) Select “Privacy & Security” in the left column
3) Select “Automation”
4) Find “Zotero” and click the arrow to expand it
5) Make sure “Microsoft Word” is enabled under “Zotero”
6) Restart Word"

of course when i go to privacy and security, automation, i have google chrome and finder with a blank checkbox. and restarting does nothing except put me back into a circle.

Since word wasnt working i decided to try and give libreoffice a try. it down loads installs and runs however on zotero it does not show up as installed. when i click install libre office add in from zotero it takes me install java development kit at, however it is not specific as to which i need to install.

Any advise i can get will be much appreciated.





GBuford, I am so sorry I only just saw this message. For some reason, I never received the email notifying me it had been posted.

I suspect some of the problems with exercises you mentioned have to do with the upgrades to Zotero since my earlier books (from 2019) were based on Zotero 5. The recent upgrade to Zotero 7 has a major overhaul of the user interface. Zotfile has been discontinued. The word processing add-ons are now installed by Zotero without you needing to do anything manually. If you recently purchased one of the older books, email me a proof of purchase, and I'll give you a deep discount on the Quick Guide to Zotero 7 to replace the older book. (I can't discount the Kindle version, but you can pull the EPUB version into a Kindle.)

The differences between using Zotero on the Mac and a PC are mostly related to the names of keys. Here is a table Microsoft offers to show the differences:

Windows Macintosh
CONTROL COMMAND (for most shortcuts) or CONTROL
Windows/Start COMMAND/Apple

If the word-processing add-ons still give errors, I encourage you to post that issue to the main Zotero forum at, since it will require the Zotero programmers to identify the problem. With this post being a month old (again, so sorry!) I suspect any programming issue has already been fixed, and hopefully you're already using it.

Let me know if you've been able to get things working.



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