Indexed: No — Indexed: No — Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Indexed: No

I have a question about the information panel for a linked file. When you link a file there is an area to add notes. The top section allows you to change the name of the file, add related files and tags. There is a line that says: Indexed: 

In the attached image the response is No.

Does anyone know what this means?

I should note that my desktop computer is in the shop. I am working on my laptop. I did not change the base library because it is not on my laptop. 


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Hi, Ann. I believe this indicates whether or not the contents of the file are included in searches. Text-searchable PDFs and pure nonformatted text files (.txt) can be indexed and included in searches across the Zotero database. In your Preferences--Search, there are a couple of parameters that determine how much of a PDF or text file will be indexed. They are:

Maximum characters to index per file

Maximum pages to index per file

If you see a linked attachment saying its indexing is "Partial," it has hit one of these limits and only indexed that far.

Does that answer the question?

Yes. Thank you, Donna. 

Thank you so much for your explanation.  I have only had Zotero and your book for a short time, and I can see what a powerhouse this program is.  I find myself going back through your book frequently as I am learning the ins and outs of Zotero,  Wish you would do some videos or have some live workshops service!  I would certainly drive to Alabama for a workshop!

Thank you, jdfdr44! I am glad you are finding value in Zotero and in my book. I do hope to create some training programs very soon, and I appreciate your encouragement in that direction. Welcome to the Zotero journey!

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