I'm loving Zotero synced to PCloud — I'm loving Zotero synced to PCloud — Genohistory.com Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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I'm loving Zotero synced to PCloud

I decided that I move files often and that linking to Zotero might not be a good fit for me. I'd be up to my chin in broken links.  So I store files not links in Zotero. Of course, you can buy more space on the Zotero server, but I had other cloud storage and sync needs too, not just Zotero.  After checking out alternatives, I chose to buy space on PCloud. It uses WebDAV to sync Zotero beautifully.  It also auto syncs pdfs created by my phone based scan app.  Other webDAV providers used by Zotero users are listed at   https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/webdav_services


Sounds great! I use Sugar Sync, the paid version because I have more than 100 GB of data and growing. It was top of the list of recommended services when I first started using it, then it disappeared from popularity. So far, though, I have been happy with it.

What a terrific tip! I just set up pcloud as the WebDav sync storage location in Zotero, and once I turned off two-factor authentication it worked great. Not thrilled about having to turn off 2FA, but for now I'll accept it.

The vast majority of my entries in Zotero at this time are for things I already have sourced in my genealogy program (RootsMagic) and those attachments are external to zotero because they're linked to RM, but for current research, I definitely want to have attachment files inside of zotero, and those files being on pcloud is GREAT.

Now my workflow can be more straightforward - dump the docs and notes into zotero while researching. Once I'm putting the data into RootsMagic the document gets moved out of zotero and into my exhibits folder, the zotero entry cleaned up and copied over  as an active source in RM, and bing bang boom done!

No more worries about storage space, heck, I don't even have to think about it anymore. If I want to download the entire book from archive.org while I seek out references to my family, well, I'll just DO THAT and worry about specific pages later.

THANK YOU for this tip, it's wonderful!!!!


Hi, all. A long-belated question to those using PCloud: are you not syncing to Zotero.org at all? Or do you have a way to sync to Zotero that does not sync the attachments--just the references?''

I have changed cloud services since I posted about SugarSync above. When I realized that Dropbox would give me nearly 2 TB for $119 a year, SugarSync's deal was not feasible for me anymore.

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