How to move records around in a sheet — How to move records around in a sheet — Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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How to move records around in a sheet

If you want to put a large number of records into order by name or something similar, the Sort & Filter--Sort Sheet option is ideal. But if you just want to reorder a few of your census records, this video shows you how:

This works most of the time but I have a few records that give me an error "Sorry, it is not possible to move a row that contains only part of a merged cell. Please unmerge and try again." when I try to drag them to another location.

If you've selected only one of the two rows in a record, I can see that it would give you this message. You'd be dragging half of cells that are tall--existing in both rows simultaneously. If you are attempting to drag two rows that belong in the same record and getting this, I'm not immediately sure what's going on. You can share a link to the sheet with me, if you want me to look at it. Click the arrow beside the Share button in the top-right corner, then copy the link and paste it into an email to me at


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