Expand the email systems that send email-formatted information to Zotero. — Expand the email systems that send email-formatted information to Zotero. — Genohistory.com Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Expand the email systems that send email-formatted information to Zotero.

Only Gmail so far appears to format an email, and not in an intuitive way. It would be great if the Outlook and other widely used email systems would convert an email to a viable Zotero record.


After writing my blog post on using Zotero and receiving some questions about Evernote and OneNote I decided to do some experimenting. I was primarily interested in the idea of having a link in Zotero that would take me to a "note" in Evernote or OneNote using the link to URI feature in Zotero.

I could not get the link to a note in Evernote to work. I keep getting you don't have permission to view this.  However, when I tried it with OneNote it worked great. Then my thought was if I can send an email from Outlook to OneNote than I could have the email in Zotero by using a link generated in OneNote to the email/letter citation in Zotero.


How did this work out for you, Ann?

Hi Donna,

So far so good. I haven't had any problems with it in OneNote.


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