Downside for using the extra field for citations. — Downside for using the extra field for citations. — Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Downside for using the extra field for citations.

I just discovered a downside to using the extra field as a place to store a complete EE style citation. You can't format the text like you can in a note. For example, I can't italicize a title. 

I hadn't thought of that, Ann. I like using the notes so that I can attach a lot of varying citation details and notes to the one source, when I've gotten a lot of information from one source.

I like having the citation on the info tab in the extra field mainly because I like seeing more information at once. But for citations that require italics, I will be using a note. 

You can double-click on the note, so it opens in a separate window and have it side-by-side, in those cases. Not quite as convenient as all in one view--but an option.

Have you tried surrounding the text you want italicized with < i > and < /i > ? (remove the spaces when you type the code for real)


Good idea, Leslie. I often put underscores before and after things like that, but I like your approach, because it can set things up for a smart wildcard search-and-replace operation in Microsoft Word that can convert everything between those tags to italics and delete the tags, as you get a document ready for publication or sharing. 

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