Details when citing Newspaper articles — Details when citing Newspaper articles — Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Details when citing Newspaper articles


I am using Zotera to enter citations in a Word document.  When citing newspaper articles, the page number of the article is not included in the reference, nor is the location of the newspaper (city and state).  Can you suggest a field to use that would have the citation include this information?  Thanks,


Hi, Helen. It might relate to your chosen style. If a style says that a field is not necessary, it's usually not included. What style are you using, and what fields contain your town and pages? I'll see what I can figure out.

Thanks for responding so quickly!

I am using Chicago Manual of Style 17th Ed (full note).  Item type is Newspaper Article.  Place contains publisher location.  Pages contains the page number.

Is there a different item type that might be better?


No, no. It's my favorite. Let me test a bit and see if I have the same result. Back to you soon!

I have a message into Zotero about the location issue (and the URL, which also is not appearing). The handling of page numbers is working as designed. The Pages field in Zotero is for the number of pages in the newspaper, I believe, and must be there for another style or set of styles. When you take notes about the newspaper article, put the page number there, for your reference. When you select the newspaper from the add-on window in Microsoft Word, put a comma and the page number after the selected item. The page number will be included properly in the footnote. It is worth noting, however, that the Chicago Manual of Style, version 17, does not require the page number, because newspapers often have multiple editions, rendering the page number correct in one and not the other at times. If the newspaper you're quoting has multiple editions, make sure you identify the edition, if you're going to include the page number.

As to locations, you only need itif the newspaper's title doesn't have the location name in it. If the city's name might not be immediately recognized in the title, you can insert the 2-digit postal code for the state in the newspaper title. So my hometown newspaper would read, "Anniston (AL) Star." If it's a major newspaper like the New York Times, the state code is not needed.

But that still leaves the fact that the Place field is not putting the location for newspapers that do not contain the city's name in the title. And if you put a URL, it's not showing in the bibliography. Newspapers are so widely used in dissertations, that it's hard to imagine it's been overlooked by Zotero, but I posted in their forum. There might be a logic behind this that I've overlooked. I'll let you know what they say.



For me, the URL is appearing.  This is a copy of what populated in the footnote and bibliography, respectively:

“Births, Edward Rupp,” Asbury Park Press, June 22, 1948,

Asbury Park Press. “Births, Edward Rupp.” June 22, 1948.

Regarding not including the page numbers in general, doesn't that make it more difficult to locate the article?  Especially when it might be a two or three line birth announcement, like what I cited above.  Even with the URL, if that is lost, it would be really difficult to find an article.  Sorry, this idea just blows my mind after completing a dissertation and all of my experience with genealogy and trying to be as close to Evidence Explained as possible.

FYI, I watched/participated in your webinars for the Bucks County Genealogy Society in Feb and March and I really appreciate that you are sharing your knowledge about Zotero!

Hi.  I just figured out that information in the Archive field will populate in the footnotes and bibliography.  I can add the information there that I want to include, such as the page and image numbers from or Ancestry.  🙂

I'm so glad you found a workaround, Helen. My husband and I were laid low with norovirus and have been useless for several days. Thanks for this!

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Helen Rupp
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