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Changing apps

If I decide to ditch Zotero for something else or nothing, what will happen to all of my work organizing and saving docs, etc.?


Zotero offers multiple export options to other formats. If there is no export directly to the software you want, you often find that Zotero can export to a format the other software can import and translate. Zotero does include the attachment paths in the export. Whether the software on the other end properly interprets them, is a question you would need to work through before choosing the new software. The forum at can be helpful in finding others who have attempted the conversion you are interested in. 

Linking to, rather than embedding, attachments, is the safest way to ensure your documents remain accessible in the organizational structure of your choice, if you decide to stop using Zotero or any other tool. If you have chosen links that embed attachments into Zotero, those documents are intact wherever your Zotero data is stored. But they would not be easy to find if you didn't use a software tool to access them. 


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