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Browser options for Zotero

It appears that Zotero use by Apple Safari v 14 users may become an issue. It appears that the noted version will likely require the connector to be loaded via the App Store (and possibly Zotero as well).

As a result; I'm looking for an alternative browser to use for my genealogy. Actually; I'm becoming less and less of an Apple fan since they've become much more "controlling" in recent years.

I'd prefer to not use Firefox for my genealogy. Since I use Firefox for more sensitive internet communications, I have it locked down very tightly.

I've heard that many genealogists use Chrome, but remember that very early on it was a very invasive program and hard to fully de-install. Is this still the case? Does it work well with Zotero and is it good for genealogy in general (ie. security, add-ons and such)?

I have used Chrome for years with Zotero, and it works very well. It does use system resources fairly heavily, I think. But somehow whenever I try the leaner options, I'm not as happy and end up back with Chrome.

Thanks for the heads-up about Safari!

I also use Chrome and have for a number of years. I also use pedigree thief and OneNote extensions with chrome without problems. I don't know much about the resources it uses or if it is easy to uninstall. 


I may give Chrome a try. It used to be difficult to remove, but maybe they’ve fixed that over the years. What is Pedigree Thief?

I use both Brave Browser and Microsoft Edge. The Zotero connector works in both of these browsers since they are built on the Chromium foundation - any browser extension that works with Google's Chrome browser will work in Brave or Edge.

Brave is private by default, there's no login to Google, you won't be tracked by Google and Facebook every where you go. Brave also blocks ads by default, your websites load much faster. You can enable ads on a per site basis. Brave is my primary, and I keep Edge as a fallback.

Brave and Edge both have android and ios apps as well.

Thank you Leslie.

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