Are you adding photographs, postcards, funeral mass cards to Zotero? — Are you adding photographs, postcards, funeral mass cards to Zotero? — Forum — GENOHISTORY.COM

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Are you adding photographs, postcards, funeral mass cards to Zotero?

In my collection of genealogical related material, I have a number of photographs both old and new. Some are of homes both old and contemporary. Some are old real photograph postcards of street scenes from where my ancestors lived. Some are current photographs of tombstones and some are old photographs of tombstones. I also have a large collection of funeral mass cards.

If you have any of these are you planning to add them to your library in Zotero? It looks like the obvious item type to use would be Artwork. I haven't had a chance to play with the Artwork entry yet. But am wondering if anyone has added these types of items to Zotero.

I haven't done a lot of them, but will be moving the photos and scans I've collected over time. I've attached one example. At a family reunion, a new branch of the family we'd found came and brought scans of a few photographs. I scanned the fronts and backs (which were captioned). I also transcribed the captions in the note, so I could search on them. I think one of the most helpful things about this is the capturing of the permissions in the Rights field. It tells me I got her permission to upload the images to Ancestry. I got a verbal OK. If I had a written OK, I would also attach it here.

Here is the citation:

[Photograph of Robert and Arrie Barsh and Children Byrl and Tobitha, Undated], n.d., Photograph, 4 x 6", n.d.

I just noticed that it put the n.d. twice. I think I should have left the date blank. But if we create a new version of the CMOS style to handle genealogical needs, we might need to think about how we want dates to be handled. Do we want it to force in the "n.d."? Or do we want to make the choice to put "n.d." when we're telling the world that we were unable to find a date on the record? I'm leaning toward us manually putting it in. Because if we got lazy and left the date off accidentally, the forced "n.d." suggests that we are confirming the document had no date. This really needs to be a separate discussion, so I'll post it as one. 

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Thanks, Donna! Are the [ ] to remind you to change the text style?

I use brackets whenever I'm creating a title, rather than quoting one. So I won't forget which it was.

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