New developments in the field Archives — GENOHISTORY.COM

New developments in the field

Image of an ancient book with a magnifying glass lying on top of the open pages.

Unveiling the Past: A Genohistorical Journey into AI Handwriting Transcription

Everything changed this week. I’m not exaggerating. Finally, I gave artificial intelligence (AI) a serious look, and it is already transforming my genohistorical research, my business, and my life.


Unveiling the Past: A Genohistorical Journey into AI Handwriting Transcription Read More »

You’re syncing, but are you backing up?

Failing to understand the difference between syncing and backing up your precious research could cost you years of work. Take a minute to wrap your mind around the two. Make it a priority.


You’re syncing, but are you backing up? Read More »

Genealogical Society Boards versus Committees—Forests and Trees

When your genealogical society board of directors gathers for meetings, are they steering the organization, or are they deciding if you will serve orange or apple juice at a seminar? Are they minding the forest or pruning trees?


Genealogical Society Boards versus Committees—Forests and Trees Read More »

Self-Publishing Your Genealogy

Will anyone ever appreciate the family history you’ve worked so many years to build? We ponder the question, but perhaps it’s the wrong question. Almost certainly, relatives will be born who could appreciate what you have discovered about the family. The question is this: Will they find your work?


Self-Publishing Your Genealogy Read More »

Rise of the genealogy entrepreneur

You know if you are one. You have been longing for a way to make genealogy your daily bread and butter. Or, maybe a sideline income or a retirement gig. It’s happening—the rise of the genealogy entrepreneur. I can feel it, and I like it.


Rise of the genealogy entrepreneur Read More »

Instant citations: Zotero’s Magic Bullet

Genealogy friends, if I told you a free product could capture source citation information instantly for most sources in online catalogs with one click of your mouse, would you believe me? Instant citations? It is bonafide, proven, and you can prove it to yourself this very day.


Instant citations: Zotero’s Magic Bullet Read More »

Here dies cursive writing. Long live cursive reading.

It’s happening. Cursive writing is dying, suffocated by neglect. For genealogy to live past it, cursive reading must live long and prosper.


Here dies cursive writing. Long live cursive reading. Read More »

RootsMagic’s TreeShare for Ancestry–hopeful solution for those API errors?

UPDATE: The problem has been solved by the solutions presented here.

You’ve been waiting for me to make up my mind about the Big Three in my Desktop Dilemma Series, and I’ve been waiting for one last — and most important — evaluation: Can RootsMagic effectively sync with


RootsMagic’s TreeShare for Ancestry–hopeful solution for those API errors? Read More »

Descendants of slaveholders, we have a job to do

Some of you started long ago. I started six months ago. Perhaps some of you will start today. When it comes to the very difficult and incredibly rewarding challenge of documenting America’s enslaved populations, we who descend from slaveholders are the logical ones to do the work.  It makes sense at so many levels. Welcome, GEGs, to the Beyond Kin Project. …


Descendants of slaveholders, we have a job to do Read More »

IGHR 2017: Seats going fast. It’s that good.

The GEG in me emerged in the summer of 2015, when I finally committed a week of my life to the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research. I returned in 2016 to an even better experience. This year I’m registered for Course 3, and we’re relocating to the University of Georgia. Join me in Athens July 23—28 for IGHR 2017 — the best value your genealogical education dollar can buy. …


IGHR 2017: Seats going fast. It’s that good. Read More »

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