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Taming the AI Beast: Avoiding ChatGPT Hallucinations in Genohistory

Genealogists and historians are diving headfirst into the exciting world of AI-assisted research, where tools like ChatGPT offer a wealth of possibilities for uncovering family and community stories. But how do you ensure you’re uncovering truths, not imaginative fabrications? AI hallucinations—those moments when ChatGPT confidently gives you false information—can mislead your research if you’re not vigilant. Here’s how to navigate AI’s challenges and harness its power for genohistory.


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Illegitimate Law: What Were Our Ancestors Afraid Of?

The rules our ancestors lived by mystify us, at times. They horrify us, on occasion. In a hysteria, citizens executed neighbors accused of witchcraft. One human could own another. A woman’s children could be placed under a guardian’s control upon her husband’s death. And children born to unwed parents were shamed and impeded in life. We ask of our ancestors, “How could they?” and “Why would they?” In most cases, you find the beginnings of the answer by asking a more fundamental question: “What were they afraid of?”


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The Supreme Court Shopping Binge: Unlayering a Court Document

Not long ago, a historian friend surprised me with an email referring to “the high-rollin’ kids” of my ancestor, Jacob Mayberry. He included a link to a summary report of the Alabama Supreme Court case of Sanford v. Howard.[1] In the eleven-page summary, I learned that Jacob’s kids had created a Supreme Court–caliber stir by shopping. They had racked up a huge tab at a local store, buying luxuries in 1852, the year after their father died. Their uncle, executor of Jacob’s estate, had refused to pay the tab.


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