Church Records Archives — GENOHISTORY.COM

Church Records

Understanding Church Membership in the Early 19th Century: A Cautionary Tale for Genealogists

Imagine a socially prominent woman of the early 19th-century South, standing at a crossroads, weighing the deeply personal and profoundly social implications of church membership. Sarah Haynsworth Gayle, wife of future Alabama Governor John Gayle, often found herself in just such a position—torn between the devout religious practices she held dear and the fear of surrendering her autonomy to a church’s authority. Her story offers a unique window into the complexities of faith and community during her time, and it challenges us to rethink how we interpret our ancestors’ religious lives.


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Sinful Souls and Church Discipline for the Genohistorian

I had been predisposed to see the worst in my great-grandfather, George Lewis Cox of Randolph County, Alabama. I saw him through the eyes of my grandmother—his daughter-in-law—who remembered him without a speck of fondness. As she recalled it, he was a drunken philanderer who drove his betrayed wife to suicide. But he was also, apparently, a church-going man. Might he have been called out under church discipline?


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