Blogs — Page 3 of 8 — GENOHISTORY.COM

Mapping Ancestral Lands

Welcome back, genohistorians. I hope you got a good sense of what I mean by “genohistory” in the introduction I posted two weeks ago. This week, as we start this genohistorical journey together, let’s get our heads around something important. Something huge. Ready for it? Here goes. We are preparing for time travel.

Mapping Ancestral Lands Read More »

Genohistory: The Middle Ground on Purpose

For nearly thirty-five years, I have been moving back and forth between my two passions: genealogy and history. They are sister passions, admittedly. Knowledge of one feeds the other. But I’ve come to realize something: I don’t want to move back and forth between them; I want to cultivate the spot where they intersect.


Genohistory: The Middle Ground on Purpose Read More »

You’re syncing, but are you backing up?

Failing to understand the difference between syncing and backing up your precious research could cost you years of work. Take a minute to wrap your mind around the two. Make it a priority.


You’re syncing, but are you backing up? Read More »

Getting rid of Riley: Answers in community-wide research

The real magic of genealogy manifests outside the traditional box—beyond the standard family tree data. Let me tell you about a man named Riley and the odd place I found the next piece of his story.


Getting rid of Riley: Answers in community-wide research Read More »

Genealogical Society Boards versus Committees—Forests and Trees

When your genealogical society board of directors gathers for meetings, are they steering the organization, or are they deciding if you will serve orange or apple juice at a seminar? Are they minding the forest or pruning trees?


Genealogical Society Boards versus Committees—Forests and Trees Read More »

Self-Publishing Your Genealogy

Will anyone ever appreciate the family history you’ve worked so many years to build? We ponder the question, but perhaps it’s the wrong question. Almost certainly, relatives will be born who could appreciate what you have discovered about the family. The question is this: Will they find your work?


Self-Publishing Your Genealogy Read More »

Introduction to Macros: Automating Repetitive Tasks

An obscure and often overlooked button on your Microsoft Office toolbar—a thing called “macros”—can save you time, tedium, and trouble when you need to do a repetitive change across a lot of text or data. The macro I will describe below cut my work time by 97%!


Introduction to Macros: Automating Repetitive Tasks Read More »

Paperless genealogy: A commitment

Today, as I watch the Notre Dame Cathedral in flames, I know I cannot put this post off any longer. Our research is a fragile thing, if dependent upon paper files. It’s unsafe if dependent upon a single copy in any form. Not even two copies will save it in a disaster, if both are kept together. You’ve heard it all before. You need to commit to paperless genealogy. But today, please hear it and act.


Paperless genealogy: A commitment Read More »

Rise of the genealogy entrepreneur

You know if you are one. You have been longing for a way to make genealogy your daily bread and butter. Or, maybe a sideline income or a retirement gig. It’s happening—the rise of the genealogy entrepreneur. I can feel it, and I like it.


Rise of the genealogy entrepreneur Read More »

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