Me & My Business

I always wanted my own business. Do what you love, they say. was born when I finally believed that.
Genealogy—my first love—introduced me to fascinating ancestors. The ancestors made me curious about their world, and history became my second love. Already in my 30s, with a lucrative career in technical communications, I tried to make history my sideline hobby. At night, I earned a master’s degree in history at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and UAB hired me to teach history to night classes.
You’ve probably already guessed what happened next. History could not be just my hobby.
I still didn’t believe I could own my own business. Too scary. But doors began to open at the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) in the field of historical magazine and book publishing. And UA paid for my doctorate, of all the incredible luck.
Genealogy was stored away, collecting dust, until I wrote the last words of my dissertation. Then my first love came center stage again, and I saw it new—with the eyes and tools of a historian.
As I put the two passions together in blogging, writing, publishing, teaching, and developing tools and methods, a little business of my own began to invent itself. I called it Golden Channel Publishing.
I struggled over one question: am I a genealogist or a historian? Where is my tribe? One day I realized I belong and am happiest where the two intersect. I found many like me, hanging around near the crossroads. I created and declared us all genohistorians. And at last, our tribe can plant its flag and grow into its happily hybrid self.
On October 1, 2021, I took an early retirement to make my little business my day job, night job, dream job. I’m officially a genohistorian.
Explore ancestral landscapes with me as my third and best career unfolds,