August 2020

Writing Genohistory: Waldo and the Now of Then

Some say it is not history until you write it. I have a bit more expanded view of history. Inevitably, though, we who are starting to call ourselves genohistorians will start to think of writing genohistory projects. I have tiptoed in with my blogging. As we expand in this field, what will writing genohistory look and feel like?


Writing Genohistory: Waldo and the Now of Then Read More »

Sinful Souls and Church Discipline for the Genohistorian

I had been predisposed to see the worst in my great-grandfather, George Lewis Cox of Randolph County, Alabama. I saw him through the eyes of my grandmother—his daughter-in-law—who remembered him without a speck of fondness. As she recalled it, he was a drunken philanderer who drove his betrayed wife to suicide. But he was also, apparently, a church-going man. Might he have been called out under church discipline?


Sinful Souls and Church Discipline for the Genohistorian Read More »

Formal Education: An Investment in Excellence

Genohistory on Purpose will be brief and to the point this issue. After an intensively valuable week at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research, I am exhausted in the best sort of way. This was my fourth course at IGHR and, like everyone else, my first time to attend from the comfort of my own home. This year, like every other year, I am reminded of the importance of committing to and investing in formal education.


Formal Education: An Investment in Excellence Read More »

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