Early Federal Census Drama: a tool for your sanity — GENOHISTORY.COM

16 thoughts on “Early Federal Census Drama: a tool for your sanity”

  1. I haven’t received the link. Wonderful though. I will have to go back and re-verify my findings, from 1790 to 1850. thank you.

    1. Hi, Helen. I found your email address on the mailing list and sent you copies of both spreadsheets. Let me know if you get them. Thanks!

      1. Oh, Suzy, I just checked the email list and your name hasn’t been added yet. I’m guessing that it’s waiting for you to respond to a confirmation email. If you did respond, or haven’t received the confirmation email, email your information to me at donnacoxbaker@gegbound.com, and I’ll add you to the list manually and send the spreadsheets. Thanks!

  2. I must have done something wrong when I tried to download Pre-1850 census excel sheet. I got the other one. Anyway, is there a way I can get the link again. Thanks

  3. I’m so sorry, Mary. Several have encountered troubles. I’m about to send you the spreadsheets by email. Let me know if you get them. Hope you enjoy! –Donna

  4. Thanks so much. This is a great spreadsheet. However it will not allow me to insert comments to the cells. I’m assuming that is because the worksheet is protected? If I try to unprotect it, it requires a password.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Denise. You are the second to report it, and I have at last found the problem. I will be replacing the spreadsheets online in a few minutes. I’ll resend the links to everyone on the mailing list. Let me know if you continue to have trouble.

      1. I just downloaded both the Narrowing Dates Calculator and the Pre-1850 Census Analysis. First of all, thank you very much for making your hard work available. However, the census Excel sheets that I downloaded are password protected. I’m also wondering if I’m doing something wrong with the Narrowing Dates Calculator because when I enter the dates in for the 1880 census, I’m getting strange dates and with other dates I’m getting #VALUE! in the boxes.

        1. Karin, I am so sorry to just be seeing this. I don’t know how I missed it. I’m sorry you’re having trouble with it. Can you please email me the spreadsheet with the #VALUE problem, so I can see what might be causing it? Send it to donnacoxbaker@gegbound.com. The password protection should only be blocking the cells you should not type in, but I can look at that, also. Thanks — and apologies!

  5. For some reason I can’t seem to be able to download the Pre-1850 Census Analysis Tool or the Pre-1850 Census Analysis Tool Llite. or the Pre-1850 census drama: a free tool for your sanity.
    Could it be because my husband has Windows 7 on his computer and I have Wingows 10 on my laptop? Do I need to change to my laptop?

  6. Donna; I downloaded the Excel spreadsheet and it will be a huge help for my research. I am also finding that the Pre-1850 Census Analysis Tool is password protected but it’s only the template tab that is locked, all cells are un-editable. If this was intentional, it’s understood and I can build it out myself from the template provided. The Census worksheet is completely accessible and I can start from there, no problem. Thanks again.

    1. I’m so glad you are finding a value in it, David. And you can take off the password protection with “GEG.” I just protect it to keep people from accidentally deleting cells they need. Thanks!

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